Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Why I'm against peer to peer fluff

We've all seen it...

Some big event planned and executed with the help or even the exclusive facilitation by "peers" of the group you are "ministering" to. Hey, what's not to like? Friends sharing their "faith journeys" and experience with the great Spirit (whoever it may be for them). They'll listen to "one of their own" right? yeah..sure...

First of all. I have faith (though weak and lacking), and sometimes I go places, but I don't have a "faith journey" so don't ask. Its a term that's not in Scripture, Tradition, or the churches of the East. In fact, I defy anyone to find a Christian prior to the last century use the phrase, and if you do, it probably doesn't mean what we all know it means now.

On with my point about peer to peer nonsense...

Peer to peer ministry is unchristian. Of course I believe in authentic christian community which builds each other up as brothers and sisters. Of "spurring each other on" as St Paul calls it. But for evangelization and catechesis (which can be the same thing) this is ludicrous.

Father/Son, Shepherd/Sheep, Teacher/Student, Elder/Younger, Bishop/People - these are the biblical and time tested methods of handing on the Faith. We have a natural hunger to be fathered (I wonder where that came from...) and we WILL look for this somewhere. We need to see a path that has been worn by those ahead of us, those who have learned how to avoid the dangers and overcome the obstacles that will befall us. We need fathers, and I don't just mean biological, who will show us how. We need shepherds, because we're sheep that can go astray. We need a teacher, because we are ignorant and in need of teaching. We need teachers and we need elders, because we know deep down that we need to learn from them. We know (or at least hope) that they have had passed down to them wisdom collected from the fathers, Shepherd, teachers, and elders before them. Please, just read Proverbs or Sirach to get a taste of the value of these biblical truths.

Does St Paul refer to Timothy as his "peer" when he is instructing him? No, its his son. Does St Paul say that all the new Corinthian Christians are now his "brothers", well sometimes, but he often says that he is their spiritual father, especially when it comes to instructing or rebuking. Christ is the foundation, but he laid it.

We need fathers more than brothers and sisters. When someone grows up without siblings, we shrug. When someone grows up without parents, especially fathers, we sigh for them.

Us men especially know this truth. We know that a father figure has the ability to totally destroy us, or to totally build us into true men. And out spiritual life strengthens exponentially when we realize that we have a Father who loves and fathers us. Talk to any strong Christian male and he will be able to tell you of his mentors and spiritual directors.

Peer to peer ministry is the answer to the lack of father figures in our times. And its a stupid answer. I am not saying that the Holy Spirit will not lead young people to the Father through the Son on a peer to peer team or retreat, but it will be majorly lacking. It will lack the maturity that faith requires. It will create baby Christians constantly looking for emotional highs and unsure of how to navigate the waters of the virtuous life. And please know that "effectiveness" should not be based on how much of a "good time" a kids has.

And hey, I love to allow young people to take ownership, learn leadership, and develop into mature Christians through learning what all Christians must learn - passing on the faith is the next step to receiving it.


This does not mean letting kids evangelize and catechize each other. They are simply incapable. And any attempt at focusing a ministry on being "peer to peer" will lead to a weak and perpetually adolescent ministry.

Bring back fatherhood and stop trying to let kids due what is mean for fathers.

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