Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Women were not given the right to vote

I just wanted to make this comment which I have seen brought up on other blogs I check out. This is a point that I think needs to be remembered:

Women were not given the right by the government to voice their opinion by voting.

Women already had that right and the government simply recognized what was already there.

We are endowed by our Creator with rights and we have these because of our very nature. If we fail to recognise what we catholics call "natural law" which includes the rights of man, we are in big trouble (reason being is not going to be posted on this blog, but it has nothing to do with a particular faith).

The people grant rights to the government, not the other way around.

The baby in my wife's womb (who's heartbeat I saw yesterday at 6 weeks) has a right to life whether or not the government recognizes it. If its not a baby..what is it? If its not a baby..then Katie's not pregnant. If its a baby..then its a person. If its a person..he or she has rights. Its irrefutable (but deniable) logic.

Blacks had the right to freedom before the government gave it to them.

Get it?

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