Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Must Read

Ok. I guess its a good thing that the addition of books focused on YM increases all the time (even Catholic stuff!), but that trend can also cause confusion. Mainly this confusion arises when we have to ask ourselves what book exactly we're going to pickup. We don't always have a ton of time for reading, but as Fr McClosky says in his 7 Habits of Holy Apostolic People piece (http://www.catholicity.com/mccloskey/sevenhabits.html), the point of "reading dozens of books which enlighten our intellect [is] so we can put the ideas expressed there into action." And among the "ideas" we can put into action there is none greater than the action and experience of prayer. I usually make sure that volunteers know that if you're not praying, you're not volunteering with any youth ministry I'm coordinating.

In fact... I and the book I'm about to recommend would propose that if your prayer life is not strong and you think you are working in the Lord's vineyard, you may actually be in the vineyard but employed by the wrong landowner (i.e. it might not be opus dei, the work of God).

Even if we know this, perhaps its still not in practice. Well this book will articulate the argument for a stronger prayer life in a way that will employ your intellect and stir your heart. Its truly a must read for anyone in apostolic work.

Ok, are your excited? Here it is:

The Soul of The Apostolate by Jean-Baptiste Chautard


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